
24 Settembre 2021
Producer: Jonas Macullo

The song “Yellow” by PepperDreams is a hymn to life.
Matt of the Ticino duo: “One morning I woke up, opened the window of my room and looked at the beautiful forest that overwhelmed me with peace, the scent of nature and the chirping of birds. Inspired by this harmonious painting, I wrote the song.”
It is an energetic song which reminds us to appreciate the little things and share life in all its facets and most beautiful moments with our loved ones.
A song like the color yellow – a symbol of sunlight, energy and the positive attitude towards life and our fellow human beings.
Susy from PepperDreams: “Let’s share a little love, because that’s all we need.”

Der Song „Yellow“ von PepperDreams ist eine Hymne an das Leben.
Dazu Matt vom Tessiner Duo: „Eines Morgens wachte ich auf, öffnete das Fenster meines Zimmers und blickte auf den wunderschönen Wald, der mich mit Frieden, dem Duft der Natur und dem Zwitschern der Vögel überwältigte. Inspiriert von diesem harmonischen Gemälde habe ich den Song geschrieben.“
Es ist ein energiegeladener Song, welcher uns erinnert die kleinen Dinge zu schätzen und das Leben in all seinen Facetten und schönsten Momente mit unseren Lieben zu teilen.
Ein Song wie die Farbe Gelb – ein Symbol für Sonnenlicht, Energie und der positiven Einstellung zum Leben und unseren Mitmenschen..
Dazu Susy von PepperDreams: “Lasst uns ein wenig Liebe teilen, denn das ist alles, was wir brauchen.”

La canzone “Yellow” di PepperDreams è un inno alla vita.
A proposito del duo ticinese, Matt dice: “Una mattina mi sono svegliato, ho aperto la finestra della mia stanza e ho guardato il meraviglioso bosco, che mi ha travolto con la pace, il profumo della natura e il cinguettio degli uccellini. Ispirato da questo quadro armonioso, ho scritto la canzone”.
È una canzone energica che ci ricorda di apprezzare le piccole cose e di condividere la vita in tutte le sue sfaccettature e i momenti più belli con i nostri amati.
Una canzone come il colore giallo – un simbolo della luce del sole, dell’energia e di un atteggiamento positivo verso la vita e il nostro prossimo”.
Susy di PepperDreams dice: “Condividiamo un po’ d’amore, perché è tutto ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno”.



There are no words to say how lucky I am
when I wake up in the morning and I see you sleeping next to me
loving, play music, repeat

It’s a wonderful life we are living here
I got a picture in my head I got a lot of songs
it’s just an image but you know it means a thousand words

Sometimes you reap what you sow
So come on share some love, share some love
Cause love is all you need

Sometimes you reap what you sow
So come on share some love, share some love
Cause love is all you need

Sometimes it’s hard to believe in what you feel
But the older you grow the easier it seems
In the end you simply get what you give

Sometimes you reap what you sow
So come on share some love, share some love
Cause love is all you need

Sometimes you reap what you sow
So come on share some love, share some love
Cause love is all you need

When I was younger old mama said
“follow your heart and you’ll never be lost
sail the seas and you’ll feel forever free”

Sometimes you reap what you sow
So come on share some love, share some love
Cause love is all you need

Sometimes you reap what you sow
So come on share some love, share some love
Cause love is all you need

© Pepperdreams 2024